Passage to a New World
Message received in Palenque, Mexico ~ Solar Wave 2010.
March 20, 2010 ~ Aluna Joy

The following is the first message that we received in the sacred site of Palenque on March 20, 2010. You can find other messages coming soon on our website at under the link titled "articles". We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for humanity also. So as you read this, just imagine that you were there with us . . . the Masters and Star Elders assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. You might want to imagine that you are sitting with us in Palenque. You can use the PHOTOS for visual help.

Our Solar Wave Ceremony was held in Palenque in the cross group.

We (humanity) have mastered the elements of this dimension . . . the air, the fire, the water, and the earth, but the element we are entering into now is the element of ether. We call it ether from this dimension because it seems like a dream to us. But it is going to quickly become our new reality. This site, Palenque, anchors the heart of future knowledge of this element. We (humanity) have created and have now crossed the bridge from the old world, and are now stepping foot into the new one. The guardians here in Palenque say that they can already see the effects of this crossing on humanity. They are watching us merge into a sense of deep peace inside of ourselves; a calmness. When we become calm and feel safe, and merge into all that is, we will learn how to be ONE with all life. This energy we are feeling today is the beginning stages of us learning how to become ONE, unified with all life.

Because we (and those reading this) carry harmony, peace and healing energies in our hearts, this energy is going to uplift all those living on the Earth. This will not just uplift human beings, but the animals, the insects, the spirits in the rocks and the trees . . . everything. We (humanity) have come to at least some recognition of the power and the light that we have inside of ourselves. When we as an entire human race put this light and power to use, especially on a day where the Earth is already giving us great peace and balance (equiniox), this consciousness is magnified beyond anything that we could ever manifest individually. There is support and collective power in joining forces for a greater good.

The Star Elders are showing me visuals now, so I am going to have to translate. Those of us that have been here before, we have noticed a great shift in Palenque. I noticed a vast shift when I was in Peru last September (2009). There was a stronger physical presence in the site of Machupicchu than there was before. But Palenque is showing a different twist on this shift. When we walk into this site, we feel like we are in a dream. Soon we will forget the old reality, and we will actually live in this dream, because this dream is the new reality. This is the transition into ether. When we talk about ether, we think it is something mystical and un-obtainable, because you can't touch it, you can't feel it, and you can't see it. But we can here today. When we raise ourselves to a higher level, we will be able to be in it all the time. This is the reality which we all came here (Earth) to anchor.

Even when we were little children, we knew that there was something in us that we needed to give to the world. This is our job, our destiny, to discover this gift and then to share it. What we need to share is a bridge between the old world and the new world. We are here to offer a different option in life, a new harmonious way to live, and to break our habits and addictions to with mechanistic behavior.

Many others in the world serve us by growing our food, stocking our grocery store shelves, running the businesses. They are doing all the things that it takes to keep this world turning. Their sacrifice was even greater than the ones we have made by being here. This is their job. So we want to send our love and blessings to the guards, the guides and the people that take care of the grounds here, as well as those that have cooked our meals, cleaned our rooms, and the pilots that flew our plane. All of these people, that do these jobs, have made such a sacrifice so we could come here and merge with this energy and build this bridge to a new world. This world is growing inside of us now. It is such a blessing and an honor to be in this world and have the opportunities that we do. To honor their sacrifices which makes it possible for us to do our jobs, we must DO our job (the light workers of the Earth) and build the bridge so all beings can find their way across to the new world.

Many years ago (1990) when I first came to this place, I saw an etheric city floating above Palenque. I was told by the Star Elders that it would eventually merge back into the temples and re-awaken the city of light here. This is the only site where I have felt an etheric city floating above it. Now it is right at the edge of re-booting and reconnecting with the Earth again. When I close my eyes, and I look at the temples, I feel them being filled with light. The etheric city is not quite anchored all the way yet. The energy is still osculating. This is why a lot of us are feeling kind of dreamy and other-worldly. Yet it still feels very present, and the sites feel very solid to me, but ethereal at the same time. When I close my eyes, I can see the temple stone turns into crystal. You can almost see through them. Two years ago, this etheric city was still floating above the temples of Palenque. It is now coming to anchor on Earth, because it is time.

The Star Elders are now showing me some other visuals. They are bringing in all the energy of all the people that have been doing the global Solar Wave before us. They are putting it the middle of our circle now. Their love and peace is pouring in from a tremendous amount of people, groups and individuals. I am feeling many countries like a real strong Australian energy and real strong pulses of England. I am feeling the east coast of the United States, little pods of energy coming in from Mexico, South America, Brazil, and real strong energy from Brazil. I even feel Figi who began the Solar Wave when we were eating dinner last night. Now the Star Elders are adding our energy to this huge wave of energy, and they are going to send it out to the ones that are going to be doing ceremony after us. In only twenty-four hours, we wash light across the planet throughout all the collective consciousness with our hearts, our collective heart, and raise and lift those that are suffering and for those that are still asleep.

The Star Elders are taking little tiny bits, like a little seed, from this whole collective, and they are making an etheric essence. They are putting it into each one of our hearts. It is like a little tiny seed, but it holds the energy of all the love and all the beauty that people are putting into this Solar Wave today, and they are giving you a little seed of it . . . like an essence. Only I don't have to get out the bowl and make water (an essence). It is nice. No work involved for me. :) It is a little seed.

Now Jeshua has just appeared. He says it is a mustard seed. Christians understand the story of the mustard seed. You can move mountains if you have the faith of a little mustard seed. This concept is building on what they told us the first day (read previous messages). They are going to help us realize the strength and the power that we truly are, so we can become living masters. When we reach this level of awareness then the ancient ones, the starry ones, will be able to come back and visit their family again, because we won't worship them and give our power away to them. We will be in our own power. Our starry family misses us, and we miss them. We have missed them for a long time, since we were little children.

So this little mustard seed is going to help encourage the courage that it will take to help us grow, so you can be a self-contained living master. You will know that everything you need is inside of you, because you have this seed. What is inside this seed is everybody, the collective consciousness of light workers and healers. Everybody that has been working today in the Solar Wave; it is in there. So we are all ONE now in that sense. If you would like to have this seed, just ask it to be placed in your heart, and the Star Elders will put it in your heart for you. You always have the option to say "No", if something doesn't feel right to you. Or, the Star Elders say, you have the option to give it to someone else if you so choose. But they think it is a good idea that you keep it. This is their suggestion only.

Now let us call upon the Great Creator . . .

Dear Great Creator . . . We come before you with humble, grateful and peaceful hearts. We stand here filled with overwhelming love and respect for the Earth, humanity and all creation. We accept with great honor the positive intent of balance, peace and harmony along with the immeasurable blessings and love our family from the East has sent us. We thank you for these blessings.

Dear Great Creator . . . we have the eyes to see as you see. We now have the ears to hear as you hear. We have the hearts to love as you love. We have the minds to understand as you understand.

Dear Great Creator . . . we now bring the forth the new gifts that are within us. We now awaken to the new light that is within us. We now walk a new path that is ahead of us. We now walk in balance, peace and harmony with light, love and truth of the glory and power of the universe. We have the courage to seize the blessings that are offered to us. We have new boldness to share these gifts with the world. We have the perseverance to live each moment in the way of balance, peace and harmony. We now intend that the balance, peace and harmony, truth, love, integrity and compassion that we feel in our hearts today are anchored here on Mother Earth through all time, space, dimension, past, present and future, through body, mind and spirit of all living things. We ask this happen seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year.

We can now send these positive intents forth to our brothers and sisters in the world with great love and gratitude.

So now the Star Elders are lifting up the remainder of the energy in the circle, and they are going to send it up into the sky to be used by the next group that calls upon it. Our hearts and love go with this energy, so they feel the blessings that we have together as a group, and the blessings that we have in being in this most sacred Maya site of Palenque.

Pacal Votan has just appeared . . . He would like us today . . . if we do it together or apart, it doesn't seem to matter . . . to spend some time in front of the Temple of Inscriptions . . . that is the big temple. (use the recent photo taken of this temple for visual reference). The energy is pouring out of it quite intensely. There are messages for each one of you. You may get it as a message with your mind. It might come as a drawing, a painting, a song, or it might just be a feeling. Do not judge it. Just accept it if you wish to. Of course, only do what feels right for you.

OK, they are going around the circle to make sure that all of the seeds are anchored in your hearts. They are going to seal them in you now; that is for the ones that accepted them. It is done.

Here we opened up the circle for other to speak . . . Many group members shared, but only some of the sharings were picked up by our recorder. We share their thoughts here . . .

Our group member Carla shared:
I feel it is important for everyone to anchor in, as much as you can, what you get in this site, to anchor down the etheric city . . . This is a storehouse for advanced knowledge on archaeology, astronomy, geology, ascension, and whatever it may be . . . like the paws of the Sphinx, and temples in other places in the world. And so it is important for people to be grounded in their bodies and bring it through and anchor it here and that will lock in the city of light that is just a hair short of popping, and we can do it, all of us, with what you do today.

Jane shared a wonderful song . . . Aluna told Jane that the spirits of Palenque really came in with her singing. She was then invited to sing another mantra in which everyone joined in to sing (I have this recorded also).

Aluna shared about sound in Palenque:
One of things that the Star Elders taught initiates here was about sound and how to transfer yourself or dimensionally shift with sound. That is why there are cones on top of these pyramids. So singing in here is beautiful, and the fact that the guards are letting us doing it is fabulous. Thank you guards for letting us be. The Music of the Spheres is anchored here, so keep your ears tuned to buzzing or weird pressure in your eardrums. Kind of listen beyond the sounds you are hearing, and kind of just pay attention, because it really does exist here. You have to be still and sit still and go beyond the sound of the bugs and the birds. Listen just a little bit beyond that, and you will hear a windy kind of sound that carries the history of everything. It is beautiful when you get a chance to hear it. A lot of it depends on the day, so don't feel bad if you don't. It might be here the last day that we come here. Maybe this is why the Star Elders wanted us to stay an extra day.

(Post note: on the last day, March 23rd and 24th, we did in fact hear the music and see the light!)

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: Facebook: YouTube:

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In the in breath
is the soft touch of the Stars
carrying with it whisperings
from the Great Central Sun.
In the out breath
is the reaching out
to align with the galactic resonance
in a place of balance
that holds us all
in a close embrace with the Earth Mother.

In the centre of one's being
is the crowning heart beat,
The rising heart,
attuned to the Earth Star below
and the Soul Star above,
and the rhythms and pulsing of the Universe
as the Song and the Dance of Life
plays out across the land.

We sit, and work, and walk as One
Guardians of the Way
and creators of a new tomorrow
for ourselves and our grandchildren's children.
Together, we will not fail.