We Are Cosmic Messengers
Aluna Joy Yaxkin and the Cosmic Maya
August 1995

The vision happened over and over again. I kept seeing the Cosmic Maya returning through the arches of the temple of inscriptions in Palenque, Mexico. I saw the messengers standing across the entrance at the top of the pyramid with hands raised in victory. Below them were hundreds of people watching. This vision was strong and I was looking forward to returning to this magical place in the Mayaland.

During this past March, I had the blessing of returning to Palenque along with hundreds of others from around the world under the guidance of Hunbatz Men, a Mayan Elder and Shaman. During this ceremonial day the site was literally void of tourists. A rare occurrence. Only our group of nearly 260 dressed in white and others who came who heard the call, were present in the courtyard directly in front of the very temple where the reoccurring visions took place. We shared ceremony from diverse and encompassing truths merging the light of humanity. Native American chanting rang from one of the temples merging North and Central America with beautiful song. Others shared verse and song from other walks of life. It was truly a Mayan ceremony. Hunbatz Men has always said that being Mayan is something in the spirit. Being Mayan is something in the heart and soul not in a culture or genealogy. The spirit of the Maya was strong this day.

Our whole group turned and face the Temple of Inscriptions, the resting place of Pacal Votan, a cosmic messenger. Alberto Ruz, a powerful solar brother for humanity began to awaken Pacal Votan to our presence. We chanted his name over and over again. His name echoed inside the pyramids surround us. Tears were flowing on the faces of the initiates. It was hauntingly beautiful. I was almost afraid of the power I was feeling as the group called over and over "Pa-cal Vo-tan, Pa-cal Vo-tan".

The ascent began in small groups with the guidance of Hunbatz Men. We reverently climbed the steps to the top and then were instructed on the purpose and truth of Pacal Votan. Hunbatz Men asked Hunab K'u to help us to become the family or spirit of Pacal. Then we began our descent into the tomb. We climbed down 65 steps to an iron gate through which we could view the tomb cap with Pacal Votan's message upon it's cover, Pacal waiting just beneath. The heavy iron gate ironically represented our disconectedness from our own inner message. We stood in silence.

I had been to this tomb before and did not have any particularly profound experience and truthfully I was a bit skeptical of this guy called Pacal Votan. I had not been able to connect with him as I had other Mayan spirits and guardians, and will say here I had tried rigorously. I stood back to allow others to get closer and to not impose my own inner doubts on the possibility of others receiving profound activation. I felt I had received my blessing long ago at the temple of the Sun and it was their turn. Little did I know at that moment that I was in for a profound surprise.

As we began to ascend the same 65 steps, I became acutely aware that something was coming with me that was not there before. It was a strong presence. It felt ancient. Was it Pacal? The answer was no, it was me. Was I Pacal Votan? Again the answer was no, it was ME! With each step toward the sunlight the feelings became stronger. I was a timeless feeling, an ancient feeling. The energy was heavy like stone. I felt like I had been asleep for a very long time and I was literally climbing out of the tomb. I was being raised from the dead. I felt like another part of me was coming to life again that had been preserved in stone for the time when I could come for it again. It was like Pacal Votan was the keeper of a part of me until I was ready for it. I literally climbed through time into the light of the Sun.

When we reached the surface at the top of the pyramid, the tears were flowing. It was so beautiful and unexpected. Hunbatz Men lined our group up in front of the pyramid. He looked at each one of us and designated us as cosmic messengers. We were asked to remember this day and to bring the message we heard to our homelands and to humanity. I looked down the side of the pyramid and saw the others waiting their turn to be initiated.

I descended the steps and literally ran to my favorite spot on the steps of a small pyramid called the temple of the Sun. I cried. I felt I was crying for all time. For history, for the future, and for this profound moment. The beauty and utter brilliance of life was so overwhelming. A part of me had came to life again and it was in the light of the father sun once again. I was now a cosmic messenger. I was initiated so by a Mayan shaman who's family has been carrying this knowledge through time from before the conquest. The truth of this hit me very strong.

Then the realization hit. This day was the manifestation of my reoccurring vision! Our group emerging out of the tomb and lining up on the top of the pyramid was my vision! At first I was terribly disappointed and cried a deep loneliness as I have been waiting for a long time for the return of my buddies, my cosmic family. Then a wave of responsibility hit as I realized I was a initiated Maya along with all those who climb those steps with me. Each one of us were given a unspoken message, a frequency, a mission. We each carried a message and were ask to share it. But what was my message? All I felt was a overwhelming presence of truth without words. How could I express them.

It was not until months later that the initiations and messages of that day began to translate into words. Of course with the ever-present and loving guidance of my buddies they began to crack open the doors to show me the messages. It is through my voice that I begin to share their message, my message, our message. I was asked to share what I had received and for the next few months I will do just that.

The Message Begins...

It is time our dear friends of earth. It is time for you to accept your divinity, the truth of your mission, the song of your message. It is time for you to take responsibility for your piece of the galactic song. It is your destiny to do so. It is for you to do.

You cannot discover your mission if you are only a follower of another. Do not follow, nor sing the song of others. When you blindly follow hoping there is truth behind their message you give away your song. Do not become an imitation or a clone of someone you admire. This is not saying their truth is not so but... it is yet another reflection of the Creator.

Be discerning with what you accept as truth to help your journey. Be careful of the "Teachers" and "Gurus" of the world, there is less need for them each passing day. If teachings are not grounded and usable they are not for the advancement of humanity as a whole. If teachings are not written or spoken so as to be easily understood, they are designed to control. If it does not explain itself, it is created to confuse and clone humanity. If it does not empower the individual, the gatherings, the teachings are robbing your energy.

Those rare teachers that have traveled the road before you may be of help to speed you process along. Many more everyday are coming into service in this way. They will encourage you to think for yourself instead of giving you all the answers. They will articulate teachings in a simple manner that makes logical sense and can be applied to your daily life. The empowering teaches do not speak in idioms or mythology. They do not encode the truth for you to decipher. The day for hiding information in this manner is over. Teachings that empower humanity into galactic harmony are simply straight forward. These teachings will bridge the gaps between the cultures and the races and reach all levels of education. These teachers are your mentors, your friends. And they will remind you that you are the key, you are the answer the galaxy is waiting for.

The creator has his own ideas about your message, your purpose. This is the mission you agreed to do before the separation of the light and the dark. This is your part in the quest of the ages to synchronize with the galactic whole. You must follow your destiny for this is the true desire of your heart. Find your own note. Discover your own truth, your own prophecy of the future! It may be like no other. Your days of following others are over. Once you become a totally natural human living within your solar destiny, you will find the song you have been searching for. It is only then when each individual sings their unique note that humanity will merge effortlessly as a group consciousness. When we reach this gathering of empowered human beings, humanity will create and activate the Earth's ascension into the greater purpose. Humanity will be a unified and harmonic whole that will resonate and be the beautiful song that the universe is waiting to hear. This is your challenge. Simply be the totality of your being! And remember we are here for you. Just call us and we are here to assist you in discovering the doors to your destiny.

Something to think about before we conclude this message. If you saw humanity from our perspective. You would understand that you are not so different from each other as you think. The spiritually high on your earth are not that much higher than your lowest being. You are literally on the same plane of consciousness. It is the narrow and limited views of your time that keep you in this polarized view as you see great degrees of difference between your spiritual unfoldments. But we assure you than when you awaken to the galactic whole you will see humanity as a group of beings truly coming from the same perspective, yet encoded with individual destinies in the quest for galactic unification. It is just a bigger picture to think about. We send you the music of our hearts. The Cosmic Maya

This message from the Cosmic Maya and the ceremonies from Hunbatz Men and Mayan Tradition tells us that we are the messengers, we contain the answers for ourselves and for humanity. In order to unify humanity we first have to become our personal destinies and live them! This is my challenge to you. Question everything. Ask yourself if it empowers or disempowers. Do you understand it? Stand up for what you believe to be true and live your truth. Until next month "Panche Be" (To seek the root of truth)

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012

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