Portals of Destiny
The Universal Mer-Ka-Ba
Aluna Joy Yaxkin
April 1996

Many people on the metaphysical path are stretching themselves to encompass a broader collective vision that embraces the realities of Earth with the knowledge of the universe. Within this is the desire to re-establish contact with our cosmic brothers and sisters in other dimensions and realities.

The ancient Maya's way to bridge from the Earth with the universe is through the use of time portals. By knowledge and use of the cycles of time, the Maya could connect with and even travel to other dimensions with ease on a single and properly applied breath. The galactic activation portals discovered by Dr. Jose Arguelles in his work, the Mayan Factor, are one way to access these other dimensions. By resonating with galactic activation portal days, better known as Gaps, we can to link and merge with cosmic wisdom and universe frequencies. When we use these days, we develop broader perspectives, making the differences between human viewpoints less important as the bigger picture emerges. Linking with universal truth helps one become aligned with the galactic whole, re-activating latent inner knowledge laying hidden within our DNA.

There are 52 portal days in the sacred 260 day Mayan calendar called Tzolk'in. The magnified energy of a portal day is generated by an integration of two cycles merging to create an accelerated frequency. These two cycles are the Pleiadian cycle, the "Tzolk'in," and a reflection of moon cycles the Mayas call "Tun Uc" reflected in mathematics of 28. The pattern revealed by the 52 Gap days resembles our DNA and the actual pattern the moon makes across our sky in 28 - 29 1/4 days.

On the Tzolk'in chart provided is the placement of the portals days within the 260 faces of the Creator. On the left side of the Tzolk'in chart, the portal days transduce energy or information coming from the Source into the physical world. This is also our history. This is a space or time when all information that has been received begins to make sense.

The pattern made by the portal days on the right side of the Tzolk'in is energy and information returning to the Cosmos. This is a space or time we reach out for new information and frequencies. We know here we are receiving information, but find it difficult to realize it in a manifest physical way. Describing what we receive is difficult, but we will be able to articulate the remembrances when we again return to the left side of the Tzolk'in cycle.

If we view the Tzolk'in as a living, breathing, creative pattern of all manifested reality within the portal days, we can see the in-breath of cosmic knowledge and out-breath of expression returning to the Creator. This is why at times we feel things coming in, but can't express them. Then one day, out of the ethers, we can articulate the vision in perfect resolution.

Here is an interesting twist. Again look at the tzolk'in chart on its side. In the center, where the two patterns merge, a diamond pattern is created, made up of a pyramid drawing energy from the Source, and another pyramid anchoring the energy into the Earth. This central diamond pattern is the merging of the Earth and the Cosmos. It is the integration of the past and the future, or a merging of received information and expressed knowledge. This is the universal Mer-ka-ba.

I have experienced this universal mer-ka-ba during an overnight stay at the temple of the SUN, in Palenque' Mexico. Of course, at the time I had not a clue what it was, but the evening was so profound that afterwards I continued to dig for its meaning. During that evening, in deep meditation, I was shown a huge pyramid shape coming from Earth and another coming from down from the universe. When the two pyramid shapes partially connected, I was placed inside the central diamond shape. In this space I experienced the music of the spheres. You could almost hear it, yet sound was unhearable. I saw the timeless history of the universe with spiraling cycling patterns of life itself. The howler monkeys wailed with this energy. It was obvious they had experienced it before. The experience was beyond words for quite sometime. Later, I began to put the pieces together, and thanks to Drunvalo Melchizedek's works with sacred geometry, I began to understand what I experienced that night.

What I saw in the Palenque' vision was the universal Mer-ka-ba, but the link between Earth and the cosmos was not complete. The pyramids were not fully connecting. Only a small diamond shape was in the center. It had not merged into a full double star tetrahedron. This is directly linked to our Earth being out of sync with the universal harmonic cycles. This is why we are still straining to remember what we have forgotten. This is why we have been temporally cut off from complete universal truth.

The vision also explains the accelerated public interest in the Mayan cycles. With the daily use of Tzolk'in cycle (the Pleiades) merged with the Haab cycle (the Earth), humanity can help mother earth align with the universal whole. When we fully merge the universe's and Earth's tetrahedral pyramids, we will activate the universal Mer-ka-ba. Instantly we will be awakened with full use of our natural human abilities such as universal telepathy, instant manifestation, synchronicity, and time travel.

In the month of April we will have 11 opportunities to work with Portal days. It has been my experience that portal days are dimensional intersections that facilitate the receptivity of cosmic knowledge. If you work with the energy of portal days, you can accelerate your transformation and awakening by being open to receive cosmic knowledge on these days.

Universal Mer-ka-ba Meditation
Here is a quick simple exercise to help you link with the cosmos.

It is preferable to do this outside standing on the earth and barefoot, under the stars. Stand with back straight. Become aware of yourself. Become aware of the universe. Now envision yourself inside a brilliant tetrahedral pyramid of transparent light. All you can see are the straight edges of the triangle form. See your spinal column as the core days/mystic column of the sacred calendar. Envision your arms and legs as the portal days on the Tzolk'in chart. Your head is the capstone of the pyramid. Make the boundaries of the pyramid grow and grow until you are as tall as the tallest tree, then the tallest mountain... and now your head is reaching the boundaries of Earth's atmosphere. You are inside the Earth based tetrahedral pyramid. This pyramid contains the frequencies of life on earth, its history and influences of its inhabitants.

Now look up and see an upside down, brilliantly transparent, cosmic tetrahedral pyramid descending to you. This tetrahedral pyramid contains wisdom, truth and pure radiant light of the universe. Stretch your arms up to the stars making an upside down triangle above you. This makes a place for this cosmic pyramid to merge with the Earth based tetrahedral pyramid. Consciously pull this tetrahedral pyramid to you. Pull it to you until the apex of the cosmic pyramid is touching the top of the Earth's tetrahedral pyramid (your crown chakra). Slowly pull the cosmic tetrahedron into your being until the top point of the Universal pyramid descends past your feet, into the earth, and down to the Earth's core. You have now anchored the universal frequencies with Earth's frequencies within your human body. In this space, realize you are a cosmic being. You always have been. You are a child of the universe... but somewhere you just forgot. Affirm you remember the wisdom of the universe and that all natural states of being human are fully restored.

In this cosmic state of awareness take some time to listen with your cosmic ears. Listen to the song of the stars and Moon. Be aware that you are not alone on Earth or in our in this universe. Be open to the presence of your cosmic brothers and sisters. These are the ones who star seeded you. They are your family and they miss you as much as you miss them. Listen to their message. Now go beyond all personality, and listen to the song of the universe. This song cannot be sung by one being. It can only be sung by the collective whole. It is indescribable, nearly audible and when you experience it you will hear and feel the frequency of the universal whole.

Remember, you are an irreplaceable part of this song. Your cosmic brothers and sisters are here to guide you and it is your responsibility to re-anchor the universal light of truth and wisdom to the Earth plane again. This is why we are here. Now radiate outward the light you truly are and being to walk in this knowledge.

This simple exercise can be done at sunrise or sunset, under the moon in its different phases, or under the stars, or even looking out a window. When you have practiced this enough, it only needs to take a few seconds to stay in sync with the universe. It is as simple as looking up and realizing we are children of the universe. This is an exceptionally brilliant projection to anchor into our hearts!

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012

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