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Full Blue Moon - August 22, 2021
Aluna Joy Yaxkin with the Star Elders and The Source Ⓒ 1995-2021

As we continue to travel through this life-changing transition into a new cycle, we have come to the point where we can no longer take our "baggage" with us. There were many easy signs for us to let go earlier, and stronger suggestions that came after. But now the time is up. Right now we are crossing over timelines, layered cycles on top of cycles, that are connected to repeating and deeply impacting patterns in humanity's past. This is mirroring back to us the atrocities of the past, greatly magnified, so they can no longer be ignored. It is time for these wounds to be healed. Unfortunately, most people (like those that will most likely never read this post) cannot feel these events rippling up into our present time line. These ones might take this time very personally, be extremely reactive and go into blaming others for the challenging, current circumstances instead of going within into self-reflection and healing.

You may or may not be directly affected personally by the current challenges. But WE ARE ALL collectively affected, and we have a pivotal opportunity to heal this together ... a healing that will manifest in a variety of methods. No one is exempt from this process. This time is a collective, dark night of the soul ... humanity's shaman's journey. This time is extremely deep shadow work. Self reflection, self responsibility and deep forgiveness are key to the needed strengthening of our connection to Source. In past times, we didn't have the wisdom to heal all that is in front of us now. But now we do.

We are now crossing over precarious, multi-layers of memory echos that are rippling forward into this time. The memories come from the times where aggressive holy wars were being played out. It was a time where spirituality and religion were used inappropriately as a tool to embolden the self-righteous and to empower self-serving leaders. It was all ego driven. These themes happened in times like Atlantis where there was a shocking and outrageous misuse of power and technology (which also caused its fall). These current ripples are also connected to many, many other events in times past. These ripples include the witch burnings, the holocaust, the trail of tears, the inquisition, slavery, etc.... Those times were contaminated by a toxic, unbalancing of power that has never been healed. It was fueled by a dominance of the self-serving, ego mind over the power of the heart and the innate goodness of humanity. These were times when truth and righteousness appeared to be in the foreground, but this justified the actions of self-serving, dark undercurrents and manipulating agendas that were used to arm an unwitting army.

These time ripples are also filled with great wisdom from our ancestors. The ancestors learned and grew in spiritual and natural wisdom through trial and error, just as we have. They cultivated a great many tools that can help us now. So it isn't only a time to purge the past, but also a time to remember the wisdom and the lessons that came from the past. These ancient wisdoms create a great foundation for us all to stand upon as we take further and higher steps than our ancestors ever could. We are here at this point today because of our ancestors and our ancient lineages, but they can not take the next step for us.

Humanity is no longer supported in individual consciousness in the way it was before. To unify together as one great ocean of creation is needed as we make the next big step. This is our leap of unconditional unity into an undefinable void.

If we learned anything from our past spiritual and religious history, it is that holy wars never created any positive outcome. In fact, it always created deep, ancestral wounds that have taken generations to heal, and this is still an ongoing process for most of us. This cycling theme is roaring back again, as it did at the end of many past ages, and it is needing our conscious attention and healing.

We are beginning to notice that the light is being misused to blind us from seeing the dark undercurrents and agendas. These undercurrents are being created to keep us in confusion and subconscious fear. This old theme hides fearful agendas under a blanket of some of our own belief systems, because those beliefs draw us in. Then it shrouds uneasiness in the undercurrents to keep our attention, but only if we allow it. It trys to unmoor us, so we can be manipulated to further its agendas. Once we get pulled in, we forget that we are a divine expression of God, and we begin to over trust this old world theme and re-empower its agendas. But that scheme is beginning to fail. The old world is literally strangling itself with all things that are no longer true. These agendas are not supported by the new earth paradigm, the new frequencies, light codes, and natural laws of nature. The old world is trying to hold on to what was known, like a bad habit, instead of surrendering to the new cycle.

We are happy to receive any heart donations to support our work in these times. https://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html

This theme's toxic ripple has mutated to infect the current, collective consciousness. It looks like a twisted form of spiritualized conspiracy, and it is filled with undercurrents of fear, catastrophe, genocide and victim mentality. This mutation is supporting spiritual bullying that is fracturing our community. It is blurring the line between the illusion of the fading old world and the indestructible truth. It is confusing the space between the heart and the ego ... between love and fear. It encourages us to bypass our unconditional love, compassion and general belief in humanity and instead feed our already out-of-date, limited biases. It is filled with superiority and arrogance. This is only avoiding the inevitable ... the inner work that we all need to do, and which is required for us to RISE UP to the next experience. We remember that we are all GOD, and that there is nothing to have a conflict about. We all want the same thing. We want to been honored, heard and safe.

Living as a spiritual being never grows from shoving ones aside to enforce our power or spiritual views. Our truth is for each one of us, and it is not to be imposed on another with conviction or righteousness indignation. This isn't the time to take up a holy war, but a time to self examine and put to use the knowledge that you are one with God. This is also true for everyone you meet. If we are truly empowered in our truth, we will not feel the need to convince others to believe in the same things as us. Beliefs that need that kind of confirmation from outside yourself is coming from your own insecurities. The truth from our hearts never need confirmation or outer support. When we give unsolicited advice to others, instead of empathy, not only does it not help, but it invades their boundaries, and invalidates their personal experience that they are having. Invalidating people's experiences, that do not resonate with our biases, is what caused these toxic ripples to form in the first place. We are ONE people, no matter if we like it or not, or how woke we think we are.

And when we merge altogether, with all our valid but diverse perspectives, we create an entire picture ... a divine synergy of the collective. There is no way to know the entire truth at this time, and we can be temporarily blinded by our biases and not see that others have equally valid beliefs. This is a great challenge, because there is very little congruency in the outer world. It is not a time to fight, but a time to love and support humanity and to see that all we need is to feel safe. The Star Elders have said for decades ... if we can’t come together on ONE little planet, then we are not ready for more. And I know that we have been waiting for much more!

This is the transfiguration of the collective soul that is fueled and activated by the remembrance and acknowledgment of these ancient ripples of the past. These ripples will keep repeating old patterns, impersonally like a ghost from the past, until we give them an empty shore to finally dissolve upon. All we have to do is to allow this dissolving, remove ourselves as an energy source to be used, and, of course, stop pushing the engage/repeat button. We know that these old wounds can not be healed by using the old ways. The old ways have failed in the past, and they will fail again. We are finding new ways. We have acknowledge these old wounds and patterns, and now we must allow them to dissolve.

We are already deep into this work. This work is not about the mind. It is about living from the heart and acting from our connection to God. It is really exhausting, and it takes great courage. It is all about letting go of our stubbornness, to finally surrender and learn to navigate the many disorienting voids and to face the incalculable vastness of the ocean of our universe. This will take us to the deepest place of surrender that we have ever experienced. It is beyond mere humbleness. This is a time when we can raise and strengthen our connection to Source, Spirit and God into a much higher vibration. Understand that the physical world is an illusion. While we are in a physical body, we need to respect this illusion while we begin to rebuild a new life within the new consciousness, frequencies and new laws of nature, and never to forget who we truly are again. This is already happening. And what we do within ourselves now will collectively affect the entire ascension process of Earth. As the Maya say ... "In Lakech A La Kin", which means I am you and you are me, and we see the God in each other.

True enduring power never comes from the mind or the strength of your ego, stubbornness or tenacity. True power comes from a humble and vulnerable heart that knows how to let it ALL in with all of its messes and flaws, even if it is scary, and deal with it, with love and compassion. To know all around you and in you IS GOD, and your heart is, and always will be, a part of the collective heart. What you do for yourself, you will do for everyone.

If we don't do this work now, we will have other chances. This is not going away. There is no missing this opportunity. But I know you would rather get it done this time around since we are already here, right? This is what comes before each new age ... a total cosmic purging and a total global rebuild that will take us all through to another experience. Many of us will go kicking and screaming all the way, and that is ok. But go we must. Many times in ages past, we dropped our bodies, and we skipped this extremely hard step. But we also lost the opportunity for this monumental growth, and we had to start again from scratch on the other side.

Well, we are still here, because you are still reading this. This is US. We are divine expressions of God. We got this ... even if we think we don't. We are beginning to radically let go of most of what we once understood how the world works. We are deeply examining ourselves and our relationship to God / Source. We are taking total responsibility, with no blaming and shaming, for our past creations, but we are also honoring ourselves as God beings. We are transfiguring our very souls in alignment with our physical bodies. If that isn't self love I don't know what is. Then we will rebuild on pristine, new foundations ... To learn to LIVE, THRIVE and HONOR the Earth and Humanity as it was originally intended. And this is what we are about to discover.

(Thanks to the Star Elders who were guiding me, and the over seeing of the Source, as I was instructed to keep re-reading and re-writing this until this fit the vibrations of our near future as best words can do.)

We are happy to receive any heart donations to support our work in these times. https://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html

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Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England, Scotland and Wales) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012

Copyright Guidelines: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - Ⓒ 1995-2021 - Unauthorized publication and/or duplication of any material on our web site without permission from its author and/or owner is prohibited.
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There are things that happen only once, and then again, never exactly the same way. . . things that only we experience. There is no way to predict when magic lands where we are. We just have to put ourselves out there and keep our eyes open, and feel blessed when we see receive gifts from spirit. These are experiences that no one else will ever see in the same way again.

We joyfully offer Sacred Site Spiritual Pilgrimages since 1995 to the Maya, Inca, Celtic and Egyptian Worlds.

Come join us on a Spiritual Pilgrimage!

Ask to be added to our PILGRIMAGE PRIORITY ALERT LIST for future pilgrimages HERE.

Aluna Joy sharing a message in Ollantaytambo.

Why YOU are called to partake in a Sacred Pilgrimage.

To embark on a sacred pilgrimage is to answer your soul's deep yearning to fully awaken. It truly means to step outside of yourself in order to encounter the God within you. You are called to discover divine grace, deep peace and awe inspiring splendor that of which you truly are. So. . . you are drawn to places where Gods and Goddesses, Knights and Queens, Ascended Masters, and Divine Light has anchored itself on Earth. These are places where heaven touches Earth. These places are often marked by the construction of mystery filled ancient temples, timeless majestic pyramids, cosmic stone circles, healing sacred wells, occult ley line grids upon the Earth. Even chapels and cathedrals are build on top of ancient energy nodes on earth. Even modern day crop circles are built upon sacred energies.

A pilgrim consciously and gently wanders in these sacred places with an open heart and an open mind to receive the divine. These sacred places produce high frequency cosmic starry light that deeply inoculates our very souls with holy and divine energies. This is why we change and awaken further after each pilgrimage. Our eyes are opened! These sacred sites work beyond belief and limiting programming, beyond simple faith, beyond the constraints of the worlds religions. This brilliant divinity goes straight into our higher heart and initiates a divine conversion. We begin to find our deeper purpose and become more abundant in all areas of our path. We become more compassionate, humble and kind with a deeper, more encompassing wisdom. Our world based ego fades away and LOVE replaces it. Simply put, we begin to embody our divine path.

This is why we do not offer "tours", and we are not "tourists". We are humble pilgrims, a gathering of joyful soul family of open and unified hearts, with a common passion to awaken brilliant light and the Divine Living Master within us and humanity.
~ Aluna Joy