Aluna Joy
Earth Oracle - Star Messenger - Sacred Site Guide - Essence Formulator - Egyptian Oils

Positive support in changing times. Together we can create a better world!
RELAX, BREATH and COME ON IN ... It is going to be all right. You are just waking up!

Articles / Messages / Activations
Messages from Sacred Sites, Activations, Mayan Cosmology and Wisdom from Elders.

Mayan Calendars
Mayan Calendars, Mayan Birthday Date Converters and Articles on the Mayan Calendar.

Spiritual Pilgrimages & Events
Offering life changing, intimate, heart centered Sacred Site Pilgrimages since 1995.

Sacred Site Essences
Powerful essences made in Earth's sacred sites that act like a Homeopathic inoculation of amazing places of Peace and Heart.

Egyptian Essential Oils
Pure and Powerful Egyptian Oils to assist with your Physical and Spiritual Chakras.

Star Elder Sessions
Aluna Joy offers sessions with assistance from her guides, to help you be free and clear from past programming and blocks that keep you from your divine purpose.

Aluna's Book Shelf
Aluna's favorite books and what she keeps on her book shelf.

You will receive the latest messages and articles, special offers on our products, and be the first to hear about our Pilgrimages and Events.

Aluna's Public Facebook Page
More frequent energy reports than our Newsletter provides with insights from our many readers.

ASSG - Ascension Symptoms Support Group
A Support Group on FaceBook with real conversations and insights from thousands of those feeling just like you. Read about how they are dealing with the challenges of these crazy times, and post what you are feeling today as well. You are not going crazy - you are waking up!

Our YouTube Channel

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The person who travels to a sacred site is not the same person when they return home. They have been awakened to a greater respect for the planet, accelerating a beautiful unity and harmony between all living people, cultures, and religions. The ancient one who created these sites help us remember that this is the most important truth there is.
- Aluna Joy Yaxkin

Events and Pilgrimages

Religion is the belief in someone else's experience. Spirituality is having your own experience.
Wisdom doesn't come from knowing anything, it comes from feeling everything.

Why do we offer Sacred Site Pilgrimages?
We are focused on you having your own PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. . . To trigger your own UNIQUE AWAKENING,to develop your ability to assess higher frequencies that are infused with ancient wisdom. These energies can only be felt with the open heart. This is what is waiting for you in the Sacred Sites of the Earth's, Ley Lines and Nodes.

If we listen with an open heart, we are also open to unique magical experiences. These are life affirming moments that we are blessed with only once and will never will revisit in the same way again. There is no way to predict when magic will arrive in our lives, but when it does . . it is simply MAGIC. These are experiences that no one else will ever experience in the same way again.


Image by Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography
Pilgrimage to England and Cornwall's Most Holy
Sacred Sites, Ancient Portals and Powerful Ley Lines.
Anchoring Golden Pillars of Light.

Flowing Peace and Balance into the Michael and Mary Ley Lines
With Aluna Joy and Marcus Mason
July 15th - 29th 2025

Earth workers, Earth Oracles, and Intuitives can see that Earth's energy had risen up anew. The Ley Lines of Earth have measurably widened and strengthened and are continuing to do so. We can feel the pulse of the Heavens and Earth when we walk the sacred path on Earth's powerful Ley Lines. We can feel the upliftment within our bodies and our consciousness. It changes us forever. We are drawn to give back in this symbolic relationship between earth, heaven, and humankind. We are servers to the Earth and Sky. We are servers of the LIGHT. (YOU are also a server of Light.)

On this pilgrimage to England and Cornwall's sacred lands, we will follow the Archangel Michael and Mary Ley Lines and work with the Sacred Sites and Ancient Portals. We will assimilate the new elevating Earth frequencies. They will heal, restore balance, and upload new codes of nature and the new human blueprint. These holy lands can anchor us to our new sacred path and lives and reawaken a new passion for our work and service to Earth.

The Holy Chalice within us was radically emptied from 2022 to 2024, and now we have the opportunity to mindfully refill it with new, higher, wiser frequencies. Now, it is time (finally) for us to step into this new cycle with body, mind, and spirit. It is time we put into practice all our newly acquired wisdom. This great inner wisdom is humanity's God-given birthright, and sacred pilgrimage is a powerful catalyst for our transformation.

Exploring these Sacred Sites:
A private sunrise ceremony in Stonehenge, Avebury Stone Circle, A private visit to Chalice Well, Glastonbury Abbey, Wayland Smithy, Dragon Hill, Uffington White Horse, Village of Glastonbury, The Glastonbury (St Michael's) Tor, St. John's Baptist Church, Stanton Drew, Cadbury Castle, Archangel Michael's Chapel of Brentor, An English Tea Garden and Crystal Barn, Fairy filled St. Nectan's Glen, The Hurlers Stone Circle, Rocky Valley Labyrinth, King Arthur's Tintagel, Magical Merlin's Cave, The White Quartz Stone Circle of Duloe, St. Michael's Mount, Men-An-Tol, Boscowan-Un, Merrivale, Old Sarum and the famous Salisbury Cathedral.

If you are feeling the call in response to this invitation, your participation is crucial. You are not just a participant; you are a vital player. Your unique and important role is integral to the success of our collective ascension. We have historically had the most amazing loving groups. We hope that you will join us and offer your valuable, unique energy with great love and dedication.



October 1-12, 2025
Dancing with the Divine - Awakening to our Ancient Wisdom
Anchoring Divine LOVE on Mother Earth on one of Earth's Major Chakra Spinner Wheels
Step Back in Time and Step into your Divinity,
All while gently Sailing on the Nile on a Private Luxury Sail Boat

Cairo - Giza Pyramids - The King's Chamber - The Sphinx - Cairo Museum - Luxor Temple - Isis Temple at Philae - Karnak Temple - Aswan & Luxor Markets - The Valley of the Kings - Deir el Bahari (Hatshepsut Temple) - King Tut's Treasures - Dendara Temple - Edfu Temple - Kom Ombo Temple - Abu Simbel (optional). Our private yacht will SAIL with the wind, as they did thousands of years ago.
- 2 hours Private time in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid
- Private time at The Sphinx
- Private sunrise time at Philae's Isis Temple.
- A Luxurious, Private Yacht (Dahabeya) on The Nile


for this and all future pilgrimages as they come available.

COMING SOON - We are in the planning stages for 2026!

Read about the pilgrimage we completed this past Equinox.

for this and all future pilgrimages as they come available.

SHARING messages and quotes as long as credit is given and done so freely, has ALWAYS BEEN ALLOWED!
COPYRIGHTS... ANY and ALL materials posted on, on Facebook, or in Newsletters, is copyrighted by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in and 1995-2023. Any unauthorized use and/or Duplication, Mirroring or Plagiarizing of any Written Material, Photography, Website Source Coding, Website Templates, Design and Forms, including the "Look" or "Feel", Sentiments, Focus, Insights, Concepts etc., without written permission from Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, is completely prohibited and is considered intellectual property theft. Any work that Aluna Joy Yaxk'in has paid an independent contractor for is also her legal property. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in does NOT give permission or will share Client Mailing Lists with anyone for any reason. Any part of Aluna Joy Yaxk'in's body of work and business model that is used for personal gain or self-promotion including, readings, sessions, teaching classes (exception - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in's Mayan Calendar information) or giving lectures using copyrighted content, without written permission from Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, is prohibited. Aluna Joy Yaxkin has NOT authorized or certified ANYONE to guide Spiritual Pilgrimages in the manner that she has honed and developed over decades of gathering and holding space for groups. Any use of any or all of Aluna Joy Yaxk'in's pilgrimage materials including the Pilgrimage Guidebook etc. without written permission from Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, is prohibited and is considered intellectual property theft, and theft of her business model. Any attempt to profit off the body of work which represents Aluna Joy Yaxk'in's heart and soul, is emphatically prohibited. It simply lacks integrity, creativity and authenticity.